Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Emperor's new clothes - 08-12-09


So glad to hear about your baptisms, and the success that you are having.

Andrew Earl's parents spoke at church on Sunday. They said that he is doing great and has already been gone 14 months. They can't believe the growth that they have seen in him.

Garth is visiting us this week. We took him out shopping for school clothes this week. It was quite an experience. Remember when I took you and Benson out to get some school clothes at the start of your senior year? Well, Garth got all the same stories and lectures about a new start, growing up, and taking on a more mature look.
At first he wanted to just get more black t-shirts with death, and drugs on them. But he eventually figured out that there were other options available to him.
We talked about different styles, Hawaiian, Western, casual, etc. He eventually settled into a look like Benson chose. A button down shirt over a solid t-shirt.
Mary Ann is thrilled with how nice it looks on him, and he seemed to stand a little taller as he realized how nice it looked and how it made him feel inside.

Mary Ann and I are still doing great on our diet. I made 4 meatloaves and 22 servings of soup on Sunday. So that is about 38 meals for us to chose from. Mary Ann is down 36 lbs and I have hit my halfway point at 32 lbs. I have lost 4 inches off of my belly, and I will be needing a new belt soon.
I am feeling great and Mary Ann is really looking good.

Love you always, Day, Mary ann and Benson

Not Playing XBox Football - 08-09-09

Hello Everyone,

Well this week has been amazing. We had two baptisms and and the new members are getting along great with the ward.

Brandon is now interacting with the ward members so much better that before and he seems so much happier then he use to be. Brent has always gotten along with the ward. He invited us over to the after baptism party at his house. Some of the members wanted to play Xbox football and they couldn't because we were there. So we had a laugh and a good time with them anyway.

Other than that, we have found at least one new person to teach. Her name is Latisha and she just moved into Portsmouth. We tracted into her and she wants to go to the scripture study class on Thursday and wants us to call and remind her about it so we are hoping that it goes farther. The rest of this week is suppose to storm, and storms out here are not like the ones in utah, there they are cool, here they could kill you. So we might be inside a little.

I love you all and hope that all is well
Elder Boy