Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Understanding the Atonement - 7-22-09

Well, this week has been really fast, exciting, and frustrating, all at the same time.

Brandon is getting baptized this week, and Brent is working on getting baptized, in the next month (August), and that is all a work in progress.

We did have an interesting talk with a guy last week or so. He told us that we don't understand the atonement, and that we don't understand what grace is, and he told us that the ten commandments are just good ideas, and that we are all going to heaven by grace alone, and we don't need any works, and then got mad when we told him that he was wrong. He also told us that the gospel is not as simple as faith, getting baptized by proper authority, receiving the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. He said it needed to be more complex than that, and so we bore out testimony and left. It was a long conversation and we didn't get anywhere but wet. It rained a lot that day.

Love to everyone,
Elder Boy
Virginia ROCK! the church is true, and I love you. read mosiah 3

1 Elder Shock is planning for the next day

2 Elder Shock and his personality

IM - Staying in Portsmouth - 7-15-09

William Boy IV: hello

William Boy IV: I’m on my mission Sent at 8:33 AM on Wednesday

William Boy: hello

William Boy IV: ya

William Boy: How are things this week

William Boy IV: Well, I found out that I get to stay in Portsmouth

William Boy: ok, that's good. We had a great time in Arizona, visiting with Grandma, and Sue and Sharon. We saw "Wicked" and it was better then the first time.

William Boy IV: Well, this month we have Brandon McCollum getting baptized and we are really excited about that.

William Boy: That is too cool. Congratulations. In Matt's homecoming talk he said that he baptized 155 people. Then he said that every time a missionary in their mission baptizes someone they all get some credit, because it is a group effort.

William Boy IV: Wow, I can't believe getting that many, I am trying to get up to three. That is so cool.

William Boy: His bishop went to the same mission 20 years ago, and talked about how hard it was to even talk to people.

William Boy IV: Cool, I can imagine. Speaking English is hard enough to talk to people.

William Boy: My boss got opening day tickets for Harry Potter, so we are going to see it this afternoon.

William Boy IV: Sweet, tell me how it is. I saw a preview at a member’s house and flipped. I can't wait to see it.

Sent at 8:51 AM on Wednesday

williamboy3: Trish and Garth are up this weekend for Garrets farewell. So we are going to take everyone to see it tomorrow.

William: Cool. Tell every one "Hi" for me. It is hard to believe that I have been out for almost 8 months and it doesn't seem like I have been out here that long.

williamboy3: In some ways it seems longer. In other ways it seems so short.

William: Really, I feel like some days are longer that others, but I still can't believe how fast time is going.

williamboy3: How is "Jesus the Christ" coming along?

William: I am about 200 pages in, and it is really good. I am learning so much from it. I guess I knew it but it is all making sense and explaining more of what he did in his life and teaching.

williamboy3: Cool, I can't think of anything better for you to do with your time. Mary Ann and I are still doing good on our diets. Although, while down in Az. they had brat's and kringle and all sorts of temptations, and I enjoy them... too much! My Genealogy class is going great, I really love teaching it, and we have people at all levels doing family history.

William: That is great. I have to go, my time has run out, and I need to log off. It was great chatting with you, and I hope that we can do it next week, bye.

williamboy3: Ok, I love you, and look forward to talking to you again next week. Take care of yourself.

Learning to Cook - 7-15-09

Well this week has gone by way to fast, and now the next transfer is here. Wow, I am staying in Portsmouth, VA.

I am really excited to stay, we have a baptism this month. Brandon McCollum is being baptized on the 24th we hope. (The Bishopric is gone that weekend and so we might be able to have a stake member be there).

I have learnd the value of cooking, and I don't mean with the microwave. Also, I am learning how to cook some really cool dinners, and will be writing down the recipe to make at home for every one.

We will also be having Brent Johnson getting baptized in the upcoming transfer, so we are really excited about that to.

This Sunday I hit my 8 month mark, wow time is flying pass way to fast.

I love you all and will see you all later bye
Elder Boy

Virginia ROCK! the church is true, and I love you. read mosiah 3