Wednesday, July 22, 2009

IM - Staying in Portsmouth - 7-15-09

William Boy IV: hello

William Boy IV: I’m on my mission Sent at 8:33 AM on Wednesday

William Boy: hello

William Boy IV: ya

William Boy: How are things this week

William Boy IV: Well, I found out that I get to stay in Portsmouth

William Boy: ok, that's good. We had a great time in Arizona, visiting with Grandma, and Sue and Sharon. We saw "Wicked" and it was better then the first time.

William Boy IV: Well, this month we have Brandon McCollum getting baptized and we are really excited about that.

William Boy: That is too cool. Congratulations. In Matt's homecoming talk he said that he baptized 155 people. Then he said that every time a missionary in their mission baptizes someone they all get some credit, because it is a group effort.

William Boy IV: Wow, I can't believe getting that many, I am trying to get up to three. That is so cool.

William Boy: His bishop went to the same mission 20 years ago, and talked about how hard it was to even talk to people.

William Boy IV: Cool, I can imagine. Speaking English is hard enough to talk to people.

William Boy: My boss got opening day tickets for Harry Potter, so we are going to see it this afternoon.

William Boy IV: Sweet, tell me how it is. I saw a preview at a member’s house and flipped. I can't wait to see it.

Sent at 8:51 AM on Wednesday

williamboy3: Trish and Garth are up this weekend for Garrets farewell. So we are going to take everyone to see it tomorrow.

William: Cool. Tell every one "Hi" for me. It is hard to believe that I have been out for almost 8 months and it doesn't seem like I have been out here that long.

williamboy3: In some ways it seems longer. In other ways it seems so short.

William: Really, I feel like some days are longer that others, but I still can't believe how fast time is going.

williamboy3: How is "Jesus the Christ" coming along?

William: I am about 200 pages in, and it is really good. I am learning so much from it. I guess I knew it but it is all making sense and explaining more of what he did in his life and teaching.

williamboy3: Cool, I can't think of anything better for you to do with your time. Mary Ann and I are still doing good on our diets. Although, while down in Az. they had brat's and kringle and all sorts of temptations, and I enjoy them... too much! My Genealogy class is going great, I really love teaching it, and we have people at all levels doing family history.

William: That is great. I have to go, my time has run out, and I need to log off. It was great chatting with you, and I hope that we can do it next week, bye.

williamboy3: Ok, I love you, and look forward to talking to you again next week. Take care of yourself.

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