Friday, December 12, 2008

Ultra-Concentrated Joy - 11-24-08

Hello Son,

We spent the weekend getting the yard ready for winter. We raked all of the leaves, cleaned out the garage out and put the Christmas lights on the house. We got all of the Halloween decorations up in the garage and all of the Christmas decorations down.Sue and Grandma send their love and said that they got the thank you notes that you wrote them. I hope that you get a chance to see ‘Mooker’ at Thanksgiving dinner.Mom told me that you have a companion from Washington State, Elder MacIntire. Mary Ann used to live in Kent, Washington. What city is Elder MacIntire from? Benson taught Indy how to shake hands, it’s really cute. Someone broke into the truck while Benson was on a date with the priest quorum. They broke the door handle and the driver’s side window. But they didn’t take anything.I was pleased and surprised to see that Anneke DID really did update your home page. I will get the pictures from the MTC to Mom so they can get put onto your page.

Well at church on Sunday Ben Sampson gave a talk about how the gospel shows us that we can find true happiness. He was walking down the detergent aisle at Wal-mart and found a bottle of “Ultra-Concentrated Joy” (like the bottle that we have by the sink) and then it hit him. We can be happy if we live a good life, and we can be happy if we make good choices. But if we follow the Lords plan and live a life that is in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ we can know “Ultra-Concentrated Joy”

William, at this Thanksgiving time I want you to know how thankful that I am for the gospel and the part that it has played in helping me to know how to find true happiness. I also want you to know how thankful I am to have you as a son. I hope that you are learning a lot in the MTC and finding a happiness that will help to set the tone for your entire mission.

I love you son, and I find myself thinking about you all the time. Mary Ann sends her love, and Benson just grunted when I asked him if he wanted to say something to you.

Love, - Dad

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