Friday, December 12, 2008

Bean Bag Chair and the Roof - 11-26-08

This last week has been really fast and yet each day is really slow. I feel like I have been here forever and really want to get out in to the field and start helping people find the true and everlasting gospel.I have had some really cool experiences that I will have to tell you when I get home so don't forget to remind me about the cat and the water balloon launcher, so anyway, the MTC is really cool and I can't wait to get out of here.

Some of the people here are really cool and I never want to see them again, and the bean bag chair and the roof are not good things to use in a sentence so ( no I promised that I would not tell anyone about that fun little experience and so don't ask just think about all the thing you can do on top of a roof with a bean bag chair) so this week has had some fun time and some fast falls but we are all ok except for elder... ha you thought that I would tell you the name

bye, love you all and I pray that you are all safe. Thank you for the packages(high pitched) "BYE!"
- Elder boy

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