Wednesday, April 1, 2009

To the Dentist - 3-24-09

William, How has your week been? Have you gotten any better at soccer? If you beat them they should have to listen to a discussion or something. Has life settled down with your new companion (I forgot his name). I hope that the two of you are learning to work together, and finding your rhythm. Mary Ann had a real problem with her tooth this week. She had a crown done about 3 weeks ago, but it began hurting about weds of last week. She went to the Dentist and he couldn't figure out which tooth was causing her the pain. Both her upper and lower jaw was hurting. So he sent her to a specialist. He couldn't figure it out either, but he was willing to start doing root canals on teeth until he found the right one. (At $1200 per tooth, that can add up) He gave her some antibiotics, incase it was an infection, and some pain pills. The pain pills made her really loopy, and sick to her stomach. By Sunday when we were supposed to go to the Draper Temple Dedication she was still pretty sick. So she wasn't able to attend. Benson and I went, and it was pretty cool. Anneke has been driving now for a full week and is starting to get the hang of things. Aunt Susie called last night and Said that Steven has been accepted into the Law School at BYU, and was given a scholarship to help pay for it. We are really excited for him. Matt is coming home on June 25th. and Susie is VERY excited. She is losing weight on the weightwatchers program, and has lost 15 lbs. She is walking 2 miles a day and talks Cloe with her. Mary Ann and I have started a diet too and are just getting started. I will let you know how it goes. Benson had a date yesterday as part of the priest quorum activity. He asked out this really cute girl named Cody. She was really short, but while playing vollyball he said that she spiked a guy who was 6'2", and there wasn't anything that he could do about it. They made pizza and were supposed to bring something wierd to put on it, so Benson brought Blue Cheese. Well I want to get this out so that you can read it this week. I love you, and I hope everything is going well. Love Dad, Mary Ann, and Benson

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