Thursday, May 28, 2009

Getting caught up on the Blog - 5-27-09

Hello Son,

Heidi chewed me out last week for not updating your blog site. So this week I had better get to it. Things have been so busy at work, I just haven't had any time. Last night I helped out at the Genealogy library, working with a young men's group. It was fun enough, but you could tell that the guys didn't really want to be there. I saw an old friend of mine there also. He is a great guy, but has got to be one of the worst genealogists I have ever seen. I have to look away as he enters information on the computer. He makes up dates and places as estimates on peoples births and deaths. He says that as long as it is about the same time and about the same place that he cean take the names through the Temple. But, he is setting his family history research back 100 years for the people that follow him. Because they wouldn't know the difference between the validated data and the madeup stuff.

On Memorial day Mary Ann made me go shopping with her. Kind of like your mothers day after Thanksgiving sales. We went to Dillards and bought $700 worth of clothes, for $87. She got a $200 dress for $16.00. We also had a chance to go out to the Pleasant Grove Cemetery and take some pictures of some headstones out there.

Well, school ends today, for Benson and Anneke. Remember how you were feeling this at time last year? Graduating with your friends. you sure worked hard to get there, and I am very proud of the hard work that you put in to make it happen. I'll bet that it seems like a lifetime ago when you compare it to where you are now. And with the hard work you put in everyday, I'll bet that 6 hours at school would seem like a vacation. you haven't had a 6 hour day since you got into the MTC, have you?

I got your birthday card in the mail yesterday, it was great. When I opened it I busted out laughing and when I read it I was really touched by what you had to say. I told Mary Ann that I am so glad that I didn't drowned you as a child or even through your teenage years, because moments like that make it all worth it. Thank you very much.

Mary Ann is the manager of the customer service department, here at work. It is hard work but she is enjoying it. I just talked to Sharon yesterday. She is having computer problems and the BYU surplus sale is this afternoon, so I am going to pick up a new system for her. They have flat screen monitors for $35.

Well, I hope that everything is going great with you. Have the 2 boys that you talked about last week been back out to church? I hope so. And I hope that the other investigators that you have been working with have continued to progress, as well.

Keep up the good work, son. I love you
Dad, Mary Ann, and Benson

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